Monthly Archives: September 2013

Kristy Centeno- Secrets of The Moon


Kristy Centeno
As a child, she used to lose herself in an imaginary world by the means of a good book. Now that she’s all grown up, Kristy gets to create her own fictional realms and make them come to life in ways that most readers might not expect.
She’s always had a passion for writing but never had the opportunity do so until now. After trying out numerous options, she realized that writing was what she loved the most so when she found herself with some free time on her hands, she decided to pursue her passion. As it turned out, her very active imagination helped her achieve her goals of creating believable plots with some ordinary, and some not so ordinary characters that helped the stories move along in one way or another.
As she keeps moving along in achieving her dreams of becoming a published author, she divides her time in between her four children and her very understanding husband.

The Inspiration behind Secrets of the Moon

Secrets of the Moon Cover
By reading Secrets of the Moon most would automatically assume that werewolves were the inspiration behind the story. However, although they play a big part of it, they’re not the only reason. You see, when I first began to analyze in what direction I wanted the plot to take, I knew it had to be something a bit drastic. Your ordinary werewolf story just wasn’t going to cut it for me. I wanted the readers to not only identify with the characters, but to be surprised by the many twists and turns.
Needless to say, I wanted to take readers into a rollercoaster ride. However, from the very beginning I knew this wasn’t going to be easy. Knowing I had a mission to do, I set out on countless hours of research. Much like Marjorie does in the story; I sat down in front of the computer and researched everything I could on werewolves and of course, on actual wolves. I did find numerous sites, books, and even reports about the subject, which helped greatly in the development of the actual story.
It was a documentary on a different species however, what really spiked my imagination. As it turns out the animal kingdom is a world of wonders and I applied this newly learned knowledge to the story itself. Dividing the werewolf world into two categories within the same species was just the start. Understanding evolution was another huge step. Science isn’t exactly my thing, but I knew I had to cover the basics if I wanted the plot to work.
I understand the huge risk I took by creating this complex world, but the beauty about writing fiction is that you can create your own rules and run with it. To be quite frankly I was afraid things wouldn’t work out, but once the book was finished I realized everything worked out for the better.
I could go on and on about what documentary I saw and exactly what species of mammals really gave me the inspiration to write such a multifaceted story, but I’m afraid it would give out too much information, which will be featured in the sequel. As the other books come out though, all the pieces of this huge puzzle will settle into place.
I have heard authors say you can never do too much research and I completely agree with this. I must have spent months reading, gathering information, and writing down tips that would help me along the road, but it was well worth the effort.
The inspiration behind the story was an accumulation of things. Not only were werewolves and wolves my main focus, but the amazing world we live in. I figured if humans and animals have evolved for millions of years, then why not werewolves as well.

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